Мобильная версия

Cold As Ice

Foreigner Cold As Ice
Исполнитель: Foreigner
Автор: Lou Gramm, Mick Jones
Метки: Рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love

You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price
I know

I've seen it before
It happens all the time
You're closing the door
You leave the world behind
You're digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you'll pay

You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You want Paradise
But someday you'll pay the price
I know

I've seen it before
It happens all the time
You're closing the door
You leave the world behind
You're digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you'll pay

Cold as ice, you know that you are
Cold, cold, as, as, ice, as cold as ice to me
Cold, cold, as, as, ice

Ooh, ooh, ooh, cold as, cold as ice
You're as cold as ice
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, oh yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, oh yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice

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21 человек поставили 3
103 человека поставили 2
93 человека поставили 1
389 человек поставили -1
608 человек поставили -2
5 человек поставили -3
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